Theory of Equations : Rational root theorem Statement and examples 2x^3+x-1=0 & x^3-7x+6=0

Descarte's Rule of Signs s-p form with calculus: With Exmples x^3-3x^2-1=0 & x^5+7x^3+15x-1=0

An amazing proof: Proving Descartes Rule of Signs: Understanding why it works!

Math Marvels r1,r2..r9 are complex roots of p(x)=x^9-9. Find product (ri+rj) for all i less than j

Principle of Mathematical Induction: If a & b are roots of x^2-(p+1)x+1=0, Use PMI for a^n+b^n

Trigonometric series and polynomial equations: Lecture 1 (details in description)

Complex numbers | nth roots of unity | SE #23 | w=cos2pi/7+isin2pi/7 | a=w+w^2+w^4 | b=w^3+w^5+w^6

JEE Delight | Complex numbers | Minimum and maximum value | f(z)=|z^3-z+2|

JEE Advanced 2022 | Paper 1 | Q14 | Mathematics | Determinants | Application of derivatives

JEE Delight | MAT (UK) 2021 | Q3 | Theory of equation | Transformation of graph

Math Short(cut)s | Transformation of equations | Theory of equations #Hindi #Jeeadvanced

JEE Delight | Calculus | JEE Advanced Mock Test 3 | Q10 Number of solution of xsinx+cosx=f(x)