IPMAT 2019 Complete Short Answer questions (SA) Q1-Q20
IPMAT 2019 Complete Multiple choice questions (MCQ) Q21-Q60
IPMAT 2019 Q2: Find 1/1+loga^2b(b/c)+1/1+logb^2b(c/a)+1/1+logc^2a(a/b)
IPMAT Q8: The value of 3x^2-6x+12/x^2+2x+4, lies between 1 and k, find k?
IPMAT Q10: if x^12=y^16=z^24 and 3logyx, 4logzy, nlogxy are in AP, find n?
IPMAT Q12: The circle x^2+y^2-6x-12y+k=0 does not intersect the axes, & (1.4) doesn't lie outside
IPMAT Q14: P={2,3,4,..25}, let Q(k)={x in P such that x is greater than k and k divides x}?
IPMAT Q13: Find absolute value of 3X3 determinant with {1,-1} entries, sum of each row column is 1
JEE Delight: IPMAT Q11: Number of pairs (x,y) satisfying sinx+siny=sin(x+y) & |x|+|y|=1 is?
IPMAT Q16: Number of integral solution of (x,y) satisfying the equation 4x+7y=3 is..
JEE Delight: IPMAT Q3: f(x)f(y)=f(2xy+3)+3f(x+y)-3f(y)+6y, find f(8)?
JEE Delight: IPMAT Q18: In the sequence 12345678910111213.. find 6389th digit?
IPMAT Q19: The number of pairs of integers whose sum is equal to their product
IPMAT Q20: Number of integers between 1 & 1000 which are divisible 4, or 6 or an odd multiple of 9
IPMAT Q23: The remainder when 28^29^29 is divided by 9?