
Conic section Lecture 1: Intersection of a double cone with a plane Parabola, ellipse & Hyperbola

Conic section Lecture 2: Formal definition in 2D geometry PS=ePM , focus, directrix, & eccentricity

Conic section Lecture 3: Identifying conic from general Cartesian form ax^2+2hxy+by^2+2gx+2fy+c=0

Conic section Lecture 4: Polar equation of conic section with focus as pole

Ellipse & Hyperbola L1: How to write general & polar equation using PS=ePM & Identifying conics

Ellipse & Hyperbola L2: Proving Standard equation, Auxillary circle, Eccentric angle & Parametric co

Ellipse L3: Important 12 characteristics of Standard Ellipse of First form (details in description)

Ellipse L4: Important characteristics of Standard Ellipse (IInd form) & Translated ellipse

Ellipse characteristics : Selected 15 practice questions Level 1 (details in description)

Ellipse characteristics : Selected 5 practice questions Level 2 (details in description)

Ellipse & Circle characteristics: Selected 5 practice questions Level 3 (details in description)

Ellipse-Ellipse interaction: Selected 5 practice questions Level 3 (details in description)

Ellipse & properties of Triangle: Selected 3 practice questions Level 3 (details in description)

Ellipse L5: Slope, equation & length of a chord & conditions of focal chord (details in description)

Ellipse L6: Condition of tangency, slope equation of tangent, length of chord & director circle